Wow, my friends…here we are – January. The beginning of a new year. The season where so many of us set ourselves up with new goals, resolutions, word of the year – with the intent of achieving things that matter most to us.
Do you do this too? You are not alone. I love myself some goals. Goals that see me moving forward in the things that matter the most to me – motherhood, business, relationships, health and PLAY.
…so what does this look like?
Well…let’s break it down.
  1. WORD of the YEAR – that anchors and keeps me grounded throughout the year.
  2. Yearly Goals – biggish and general goals to achieve throughout the year
  3. Bite size chunks aka mini goals – monthly goals – that stem from the yearly goals
  4. Top Priorities (4 per day) daily actions that support moving forward – closer to achieving the bigger goals.
Over to you…hit that comment button and share with me what goal setting looks like for you!
And if you are brave enough…drop your Word of the Year in the reply too. I would love to hear what your word is!!
Happy PLAYing!!
Erin xx