by admin | 15/06/20 | Play for Pre-Schoolers, Play for School aged children, Play Ideas, Play Organisation
…so there is something about the satisfaction one feels when they pull of a DIY project. Am I right, my friends? We know this feeling because it is what we felt when we completed these three DIY projects! Read on to discover our favourtite DIY hacks in our...
by admin | 24/04/18 | Play for Pre-Schoolers, Play for School aged children, Play for Toddlers
Bean Bags are a favourite resource in celebrateplay HQ- they are so versatile in what they offer within the realm of play. Did you know they encourage learning such as: •cognitive function •balance and coordination •teamwork •gross and fine motor skills Ahh-mazing...
by admin | 17/04/18 | Play for Pre-Schoolers, Play for School aged children, Play for Toddlers
Looking for a new idea to freshen up the play routine, help a little one adjust to the change of a routine (eg. Dropping a day nap), an opportunity to recharge the batteries or solve the noise level at a particular time of the day (nap time)? Quiet Time Bins may just...
by admin | 27/03/18 | Play for Pre-Schoolers, Play for School aged children, Play for Toddlers
…so if you have been a long time celebrateplay follower, you will know that we are Small World Play enthusiasts. However, what you might not know is where we are today, is not where we started. It has been a journey of the learning variety.Let’s rewind...
by admin | 20/02/18 | Blogs, Play for Pre-Schoolers, Play for School aged children, Play for Toddlers
Hands up if you are a parent of children that ask you to play with them and you feel torn between wanting to spend the precious time with your little learners and the need to do something else? Well, you can take some comfort in knowing you are certainly not the only...
by admin | 06/02/18 | Play for Pre-Schoolers, Play for School aged children, Play for Toddlers
Concentration in young children is a skill that needs to be taught, nurtured and encouraged. Today I am sharing some ideas to help strengthen concentration and ways to encourage our little learners to feel a sense of accomplishment. •Chunk big tasks into smaller...